Agenda item



The Committee received a report which appended the Council’s Annual Report for 2021/22.  The report sought the committee’s consideration in respect of the areas within the remit of the Committee.


The Cabinet Member for Workforce and Organisation provided the Committee with a corporate overview of the report.  The Cabinet Members for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability and Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services presented the sections of the annual report within the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.


Members focussed on the following sections within the document relevant to the Committee’s remit:


·       Well-being Objective 10: Look after the environment now and for the future


·       Well-being Objective: Improve the highway and transport infrastructure and connectivity


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:-


·       Reference was made to page 72 and 132 of the Annual Report.  It was observed that page 72 reports that 64% target recycling rate had had not been met following the fire at Nantycaws materials Recycling Facility, however page 132 stated that the Audit Wales Review 2021/22 found that the Council had met its statutory recycling targets.  In response to the observation, the Director of Place and Infrastructure explained that whilst the Audit Wales Review was undertaken in 2021/22, the statistical information that utilised within the review was from 2020/21 which was when statutory target of 64% target was met confirming that the information within the report was correct.


In response to a further query, the Director of Place and Infrastructure confirmed that the Authority would not be penalised for not meeting the target and explained, the Welsh Government was fully sighted of the Council’s ambition in moving towards the new blueprint method of collection where predictions were set to exceed the target.


·       Reference was made to Siop ETO on page 77 of the report.  It was asked in order to benefit the circular economy, if there was a possibility that people could take the goods deposited in recycled containers prior to going to the shop.  The Environmental Services Manager stated that currently donations that deposited at HWRC centres identifies as waste and therefore was not it would not be possible for members of the public to remove such items from containers/skips.  However, in acknowledging the benefit to the circular economy it would be a consideration for the future.


·       In respect of coastal erosion, it was asked when a comprehensive review was undertaken last?  The Director of Place and Infrastructure stated that a regional shoreline Management Plan which, overseen by Environment Department contained measures regarding protecting and managing the coast.  In addition to the plan, active monitoring would take place following each storm to identify and react to any damage and mitigate any risk to communities.


·       Reference was made to the fleet management section on page 74 of the Annual Plan.  An explanation was sought following an observation of the reduction in mileage together with an increase in the total diesel consumed.  The Head of Transportation and Highways explained that the reduction in mileage and the increase in fuel was due to a greater prevalence of specialist vehicles within the waste sector which used more fuel than standard vehicles.


·       Reference was made to the fleet management section of page 75 of the Annual Plan. With the rising costs of electric in mind, it was asked if the Authority had undertaken a cost comparison of diesel vehicles compared with electric vehicles?  The Head of Transportation and Highways explained that the costs of both electric and fuel were being considered as part of a live evaluation project of all fuel types and as the sector transitioned to alternative energy sources. Work is underway on updating the revised Fleet Strategy which will come forward in 2023.


In response to an additional query raised regarding new and emerging technologies, theHead of Transportation and Highways stated that the department was actively aware of and continuously monitoring the availability of new technologies in the different sectors on the market.  Whilst it was important to keep abreast of the future technologies it was acknowledged it was a very complex matter in regard to the consideration of the timing and associated risks.


It was commented that the Authority should consider its future electricity supply, rate opportunity – time of use tariff and encourage the charging of vehicles overnight.  In response, the Head of Head of Transportation and Highways agreed that consideration regarding maximising energy efficiency on costs would be beneficial.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Carmarthenshire County Council’s Annual Report for 2021/22 be received.


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