[NOTE: Cllr. M. James had earlier declared an interest in this item and remained in the meeting during the deliberation of the report and voting thereof].
Further to Minute 7 of the Cabinet meeting held 14th November 2022, the Council considered a report setting out the Draft Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) which identified the Council’s land use Vision, Strategic Objectives and Strategic Growth requirements for the County through to 2033. The LDP included a detailed and comprehensive set of policies and provisions, including site specific allocations for housing and employment use, as well as environmental and other spatial considerations. It was recognised that a series of factors had impacted upon the progress and content of the Plan including, but not limited to, phosphate levels in protected rivers and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Approval was sought for the publication of the LDP and supporting documents as part of a formal public consultation for a minimum statutory period of 6 weeks commencing in January 2023. Thereafter, it would be subject to public examination by a Welsh Government appointed Planning Inspector with a view to its formal adoption in 2024.
In response to a concern raised in respect of the length of the LDP it was clarified that the report format was prescribed by Welsh Government, and therefore it was necessary for the Council to comply with that format in preparing the documentation.
Reference was made to the recent Census results in respect of population growth and the decline in the number of Welsh Language speakers and clarity was sought on how these would be addressed within the LDP. It was highlighted that the LDP, together with its supporting information, were emerging documents which would develop through to the point of publication. This reflected the availability of some pieces of evidence and timelines associated with the LDP’s preparation to ensure that the most current information was included at the point of publication. An assurance was provided that the LDP, as a holistic document, was integrated with a range of other key Plans and Strategies within the Authority.
The Forward Planning Manager provided an overview of the engagement methodology and consultation process adopted whereby the LDP was presented by way of written representations which would be supplemented with digital illustrations and maps to encourage interaction. In response to a query, the Forward Planning Manager reported that the consultation process would provide an appropriate mechanism to address concerns or inconsistencies in respect of the site allocations and how they were portrayed within the LDP.
Tribute was paid to the late Councillor Mair Stephens during her term of office as Chair of the Cross Party Panel. The Cabinet Member for Rural Affairs and Planning Policy, in response to comments made, clarified that local residents were prioritised for affordable housing and should be encouraged by Members to register for affordable and/or social housing, as appropriate.
The Forward Planning Manner clarified to Members that the LDP sought to re-energise town centres in terms of their vitality and viability, with the retail function being supported by other complementary services to increase footfall and vibrancy.
RESOLVED that the following recommendations of the Cabinet be adopted:
6.1 |
To approve the content of the Draft Second Deposit Revised Local Development Plan 2018 – 2033 (and supporting documents) for formal public consultation.
6.2 |
To approve the rolling forward of the Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance in relation to the Burry Inlet and the Caeau Mynydd Mawr Special Area of Conservation for adoption concurrent with the Revised LDP.
6.3 |
To note the Draft Briefing Note on the emerging Economic and Housing Growth Report and agree the recommended revised Growth Option.
6.4 |
To grant officers delegated authority to make any typographical or factual amendments as necessary in order to enhance clarity of meaning. |
Supporting documents: