Agenda item



The Committee considered the draft Council Annual Report for the period 2021/22 which had been produced to meet the relevant provisions within the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Local Government and Elections Act (Wales) 2021.  The report detailed the progress made with the Council’s 13 Well-being Objectives (WBO) against a backdrop of unprecedented circumstances presented by the coronavirus pandemic, together with the Council’s self-assessment against the performance requirements of the previous financial year.  The Committee was advised that the draft Annual Report would be updated to reflect the outcome of the consultation process pertaining to performance requirements set out at Appendix 5C.


Consideration was given to the relevant Well-Being Objectives falling within the remit of the committee, namely:


WBO 1:

Help to give every child the best start in life and improve their early life experiences.


WBO 2:

Help children live healthy lifestyles.


WBO 3:

Support and improve progress, achievement, and outcomes for all learners.


WBO 4:

Tackle poverty by doing all we can to prevent it, help people into work and improve the lives of those living in poverty.


WBO 12:

Promote Welsh Language and Culture.


The issues/observations raised by the Committee were addressed as follows:-


A concern was raised that the Authority’s focus on the promotion of Welsh Language, which was an area that was already performing well, could cause undue pressure on children and their families, during a period of uncertainty in the context of the demands associated with the forthcoming academic year as the country emerged from the coronavirus pandemic, the implementation of the new curriculum and resource constraints.  The Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language clarified that the agenda for the promotion of the Welsh Language was set at a national level through Welsh Government policy.


In response to a query on the graphical representation set out on page 87 of the report, it was confirmed that the wording would be reviewed because, whilst the long-term trend had reduced, the figure for 2021/22 represented an increase on the previous year.


Reference was made to the conclusion of EU grant funding eligibility and an update was requested on the alternative funding streams for Youth Services such as Cam Nesa, Cynnydd and NEET style interventions.  It was confirmed to the Committee that the Shared Prosperity Fund had replaced the EU grant funding and it was expected that funds in the region of £38m would be received by Carmarthenshire to be distributed to areas of need.  In response to a query, the Head of Strategy and Learner Support stated that figures could be obtained to provide comparable information between the EU level of grant funding and the Shared Prosperity Fund.


A member enquired regarding the support provisions in place to meet the needs of the increased number of children diagnosed with autism referred to in WBO1. The Director of Education and Children’s Services referred to the challenges presented in meeting the needs of children requiring additional learning needs in the context of financial constraints, however investment was being made to provide a safe environment by way of specialist units and effective services.


In response to a query in respect of the obesity statistics set out at WBO2 of the report, the Director of Education and Children’s Services confirmed that updated figures were awaited.  It was recognised that the improvements made in this area in recent years had been somewhat curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic; accordingly, the health and wellbeing of children was considered to be a key priority in the development of the Authority’s corporate strategy.


An update was requested in terms of the task and finish group’s review of school pupil admission dates and age-ranges across the County.  The Committee was duly advised that the matter had recently been discussed at the pre-cabinet stage whereby it was agreed that a comprehensive consultation process would commence in the new year, incorporating the recommendations made by the task and finish group.  It was noted that any revisions to the admissions policy would not take effect until September 2024 at the earliest. 


Reference was made to the recent introduction of free school meals in Wales and concerns were highlighted that parents/guardians would no longer apply for free school meals which would have an impact on the level of Pupil Development Grant (PDG) funding which the school would access.  The Director of Education and Children’s Services recognised that the PDG was an important measure for all schools across Wales to support vulnerable children and an assurance was provided that representations had been made to Welsh Government in this regard.  Members were further advised of the ongoing work within the Authority to tackle poverty in the education system and further information would be available in this regard in due course.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet that the draft Council Annual Report 2021/22 be endorsed. 

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