The Committee considered an update report on the Waste Strategy 2021-2025 and the service roll-out in January 2023, the strategy presented by the Cabinet Member for Waste, Transport and Infrastructure Services, provided a clear strategic objective of improving kerbside domestic waste collections and in turn increase recycling rates in Carmarthenshire. In addition, the report summarised the current waste management policies that were required to improve operational and strategic performance.
It was reported that the strategy provided a phased approach to service change with an interim solution to be delivered in 2022, with a longer-term service change to achieve the Blueprint collection methodology by 2024.
The report laid out information in regard to
§ The Interim position
§ Integrated Impact Assessment
§ Finance
§ Circular Economy
§ Next Steps
§ Waste Policy
The Waste and Recycling Policy was appended to the report.
The following comments/queries were raised:-
· In respect of the properties that would not receive the glass collection service, it was asked if Councillors could receive a list of the properties affected? The Environmental Services Manager stated that a list by ward area would be available following completion of a piece of work which would include the reasons why the property would not be receiving the glass collection. The Cabinet Member for Waste, Transport and Infrastructure Services added that the reasons could include instances such as long, narrow lanes or unadopted roads.
· It was commented that incontinent pads could be perceived as those products issued via NHS/district nurses, therefore it was asked if incontinent pads such as the advertised brand ‘Tena Lady/Men’ was included in the classification of Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP’s) for purple bags and if not, could this be made clearer? The Environmental Services Manager confirmed that any incontinent pads including the Tena brand would be classed as AHP’s and could therefore be placed within the purple bag scheme and in view of the comment would consider including this within the communications messages.
· In response to a concern regarding missed collections, the Environmental Services Manager explained that in addition to residents reporting a missed collection via the Council website or telephone, residents were also encouraged to register to the SMS and e-mail service which provided reminder notifications of their kerbside collection service and other up to date collection information such as any disruptions to services due to vehicle breakdown or adverse weather collections.
· In commenting that residents had raised concerns regarding the 3 weekly black bag collections, it was asked if this service would be reviewed? The Environmental Services Manager stated that as with all services provided this service change would be subject to continuous scrutiny and review. However, any households finding difficulties with the 3 black bag limit was able to seek advice and support via the communications team and Hwb sites. Furthermore, Members were informed that almost 50% of the contents within black bags across Carmarthenshire was recyclable and removing the perishable items from black bags should eliminate health risk.
· In response to a concern raised regarding the potential increase in flytipping, the Environmental Services Manager stated that the Task and Finish Group would consider the impact of the service change as part of the current review of the management of flytipping in Carmarthenshire. However, it was highlighted that through robust enforcement and public engagement, it was hoped to reduce incidences of flytipping.
· In response to a comment regarding Hwb sites and staff having the correct knowledge to provide members of the public, the Environmental Services Manager explained as part of the service change, staff at Hwb sites attended a course provided by Resource Efficiency Wales and they are regularly briefed on the changes and where to obtain information. In addition, currently Waste Engagement Officers were available at Hwb sites one day a week until end of January 2023.
RESOLVED that the progress and delivery of the Waste Strategy 2021 be received and noted.
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