Agenda item



Further to minute 3.2 of the meeting held on the 11 March 2022, the Committee considered a report which provided an update on the Authority’s position in response to the Audit Wales review of the Council’s arrangements to plan and deliver its waste services sustainably.  The report summarised the main findings arising from the audit undertaken by Audit Wales of the Council’s Waste Services.


The Committee duly considered the action plan appended to the report which aimed to address the 8 key recommendations emanating from the audit findings, together with a synopsis of the Waste Strategy Project. 


It was reported that 7 of the 8 key recommendations had been completed, with the remaining recommendation pertaining to the implementation of a plan to sustainably address the high number of fly-tipping incidents being progressed with the publication of the Local Environmental Quality Plan, ongoing partnership work by way of the ‘Caru Cymru’ project and the formation of a scrutiny task and finish group.


The issues/observations raised by the Committee were addressed as follows:-


·       A concern was raised that the number of fly-tipping incidents would increase following the impending changes to the refuse collection service, combined with the operational issues associated with the bulky waste collection service. An assurance was provided that the department was prepared for the challenges anticipated in response to changes within the service provision and it was confirmed that resources had been allocated for the delivery of an education and enforcement program in respect of curbside interactions and fly-tipping.  It was further reported that a strategic review of the bulky waste collection service was being undertaken and a report would be considered by the Cabinet in due course.


·       In response to questions by the Committee regarding the new refuse collection service, an overview of the communication and engagement strategy was provided to Members, which included the delivery of information packs and glass boxes to all households, supported by a social media campaign and attendance at community groups and HWB points in order to directly address any concerns or queries from residents. It was reported that residents could also register for an email and/or text message service whereby automated reminders would be issued prior to collection days.


·       Following a query by a Member, the Interim Head of Waste and Environmental Services confirmed that the existing bottle bank provision would remain in place in the short-term following the introduction of the revised waste collection service, following which a review would be undertaken with a view to providing facilities at strategic locations in the longer-term, based upon demand.  In this regard, an assurance was provided to Members that any rationalization of bottle bank facilities would be reviewed by the appropriate scrutiny committee.


·       Members were encouraged to note the significant progress made to address the Audit Wales recommendations which provided Committee with an assurance that the issues identified had, or were being, addressed.  In view of the positive report, it was proposed that the review of waste services could be removed from the Committee’s Forward Work Plan for 2022/23.





The progress made by Carmarthenshire County Council in response to the Audit Wales recommendations for waste services be noted.



The review of waste services be removed from the Committee’s Forward Work Plan for 2022/23.


Supporting documents: