Agenda item



The Cabinet Member for Resources presented the Authority’s Corporate Budget Monitoring Report and the Chief Executive’s and Corporate Services departmental reports as at 31st December 2022 in respect of the 2022/23 financial year. The report also included an appendix detailing Savings Monitoring 2022-23.


Amongst the issues and queries raised on the report were the following:

·      TheMedia and Marketing Manager, in response to a query, stated that response times at customer contact centres was improving and that vacancies were constantly advertised;

·     In terms of the continued income shortfall at the leisure/sports centres attributable to the drop in attendances it was projected that there would be a gradual recovery;

·     Reference was made to the relatively high number of vacant posts and members were assured that the situation was continually monitored;

·     The Head of Financial Services commented that whilst additional funding had been provided for schools in the 2023/24 budget, primarily to assist schools in providing post-covid catch-up for pupils, details of those schools whose budgets remained in deficit could be provided as part of the statement of accounts process;

·     It was acknowledged that the use of agency workers in some service areas was unavoidable due to the difficulties faced in recruiting staff particularly as the same issues were being faced by other local authorities. Whilst the authority was looking to develop its own workforce in these areas this would take some time;

·     In response to a query relating to ICT back-up and restore procedures the Head of ICT and Corporate Policy stated that there was a robust and resilient infrastructure in place and regular tests were undertaken;

·     The Head of Financial Services, in response to a comment, stated that the post-covid difficulties in the construction sector appeared to be easing which was positive news in terms of the capital programme.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED to receive the report.


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