Agenda item



Presented by the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Committee considered the financial monitoring report on the 2022/23 Revenue and Capital Budget for the Place & Infrastructure and Public Protection Services for the period up to the 31st December, 2022. 


It was reported that overall, the revenue budget was forecasting a £593k overspend to year end.  The capital budget reported a forecasted net spend of £15,263k compared with a working net budget of £19,105k giving a variance of -£3,824k.


The Committee noted that in regard to the savings report, the expectation was that at year end, £694k of Managerial savings against target of £824k was forecasted to be delivered.  In addition, £20k of Policy savings against a target of £20k was put forward for 2022/23 and was forecasted to be delivered.


The following questions/issues were raised on the report:


·       In terms of improving the environment, reference was made to Appendix B where concern was raised that the ongoing financial pressure could put the journey to become net zero carbon in jeopardy.  The Cabinet Member for Resources stated that it the Local Authority would continuously strive to meet the required targets.


·       Reference was made to Appendix B to the report – Highways and Transportation. In respect of the matter of school crossing patrols which reported that ‘several posts had become vacant and would not be refilled’, it was asked if this was the policy and if so, would pedestrian crossings be put in place?  The Cabinet Member for Resources stated that it was policy to retire school crossing staff in places where electronic provision was in available.  In places where suitable provisions were not available school crossing staff would remain.


·       Reference was made to Appendix E to the report, Ammanford Highway Infrastructure which reported that a ‘Corporate decision was required given WG roads review’, an explanation was sought.  The Head of Highways and Transportation explained that further consideration would be required following the recent Welsh Governments Roads Review.  The outcomes of the review consisted of new policy criteria which would have an implication on all future road schemes.


·       Reference was made to Appendix B to the report – Waste and Environmental Services.  In terms of the underspend attributed to Environmental Enforcement it was asked when would this be assessed, and the outcome reported?  The Interim Head of Waste reported that the Committee’s Task and Finish Group were considering these elements within its review on the Management of Fly-tipping in Carmarthenshire.  The underspend was attributed to the departure of staff, where interim arrangements have been put in place.  It was reported that following consideration of the departmental structure, the recommendations of the Task and Finish review and budgetary constraints the timescale would likely be up to 6months.


·       Reference was made to Appendix E – Property.  In terms of the Schools Handyvan Service which reported that ‘more work being identified within schools which require to be undertaken’, concerns were raised in regard to the older schools within the County that the overspend could continue to escalate.  The Property Maintenance Manager explained that the work of the Handyvan was to predominantly carry out required health and safety work. As part of the service, planned maintenance requirements were being identified which would be prioritised within the available budget.  In addition, stock condition surveys were currently being undertaken across the entire corporate stock which would provide a wider overview of the financial requirements.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report up to 31st December 2022 be received.


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