Agenda item



The Committee received a report on the Free Parking Review for consideration.  The Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure in presenting the report stated that the Council had supported town centres with the provision of free parking schemes for several years and that there were two schemes in currently in operation.The first scheme provided town centres with five free parking days were annum to support events in towns, the second scheme as introduce at the end of 2018 and provides towns with free parking periods for set hours and days of the week.


The report provided members with comprehensive information and graphical data that considered the impact of the schemes from both an output and revenue perspective.


Following the consideration of the report, the Committee was asked to consider the 5 options as detailed within the report.


The following comments/queries were raised in regard to the report:


·      The report was commended for its comprehensive information and inclusion and use of 7 years of robust data.  However, it was raised that it would be beneficial to have had sight of the data/evidence in support of the statement – ‘Carparks serve extremely important environmental, economic and social objective that include…  stimulate sustainable travel’.


In addition, it was raised that the data within the report did not bear any evidence that free car parking made any difference in footfall within the town centres.


Furthermore, it was commented that free car parking would go against the objective of working towards the objective of more sustainable travel and encourage drivers to use their vehicles above other modes of transportation such as public transport or cycle.


An opinion was aired that option 2 would not be supported however options 4 and/or 5 was favoured.


·      A concern was expressed in regard to option 5. Considering the current cost of living crises, the removal of free carparking would have a detrimental impact upon businesses. 


·      In response to a query raised regarding who would determine the budget allocation as cited within option 4, the Head of Transportation and Highways clarified that the allocation took place following the receipt of the funding in 2008.  Furthermore, reference was made to the graphs within the report which signified different levels of parking activity within towns in terms of ticket sales. 


The proportion of sales and revenue relative to each town together with consultation with the Town and Community Council determined the level of budget allocated.


It was strongly expressed that it was important to encourage footfall as far as possible in order to support businesses in towns and therefore free parking must remain an option.


·      In acknowledging that town centres experiencing financially challenging times, concern was raised that the increase in charges by 5%, together with the proposed reduction of free parking would have a detrimental impact on both customers and traders.  Based on the current statistics within the report, an opinion was expressed that the preference would be to remain as status quo.


·      It was commented that the report was data rich and included tracking and the influence of the parking.  In addition, it was raised that the Council should be congratulated for recognising the current cost of living crises and that the options provided for consideration were sensitive to the needs of the residents of Carmarthenshire. However, in context, it was emphasised that Members had recently took part in the budget review looking at saving £55k by closing St Clears Leisure Centre. The figures cited in this report appeared to be below target where an income of £817k was expected.  In light of this, concern was raised in regard to the provision of free parking, particularly option 2, which would require an additional expenditure of circa £400k to provide the free parking.


·      The importance of striking a balance between travel behaviour and encouraging people into the town centres was aired and therefore option 4 was the preferred option.


·      It was expressed that Constituents would be grateful to save money on car parking during this current cost of living crises.  However, in regard to events, it was highlighted that in any case large events would attract many people which would be an opportunity to raise the revenue from the carparks.


·      In highlighting that the average spend of the parking term per year equated to less than £1 per week which was not unreasonable, it was important to consider the of loss of revenue for the local Authority, which was almost £250k with a total net loss of income £409k.  Looking at these figures would enable a viable budget revenue.  Concern was raised in relation to the loss of businesses within the towns due to many factors including post-pandemic and the increase of internet shopping.  Seeking opportunities to bring resources and money back into Carmarthenshire should be of utmost importance.


·      Reference was made to the poor air quality areas within Carmarthenshire.  In recognition of the need to improve the air quality, it was raised that at the very least, the Authority needed to discourage the light use of vehicles and develop policies that encourage active travel, public transport with the choice of using a vehicle being a last resort on a daily basis.


It was proposed that:


Options 4 & 5 as detailed within the report be recommended to Cabinet for consideration.  The proposal was duly seconded.


The following amendment was thereupon proposed and seconded:


“That option 4 only as stated within the report be recommended to Cabinet for consideration.”

Following a vote, the amendment fell and the substantive motion was voted upon, following which it was

RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO CABINET that options 4 and 5 as detailed in the report be considered.  


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