The Council was reminded of the requirement for it to review its Constitution on an annual basis and that as part of that process it had established a Constitutional Review Working Group [CRWG] to present any recommended changes.
It was reported that whilst there had been no legislative changes which required changes to be made to the Council’s Constitution the Council would need to confirm the constitution as it currently stood and amend Part 6.1 of the Constitution to reflect the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) prescribed amounts to be paid to Councillors for 2024-25.
It was further reported that the Constitutional Review Working Group met on the 8th April 2024 to review elements of the Constitution and their recommendations were included in the report for consideration.
In acknowledging that the introduction of the time limits would be to maintain focus, it was respectfully suggested that in order to ensure that there was no detrimental impact to democracy, transparency and accountability that, if adopted, the timings be closely monitored over the next 12 months and reviewed at the next Council AGM.
9.1 |
In accordance with the determinations made by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales, the Councillors’ and Co-opted Members’ Salaries and Allowances Scheme for 2024-2025, as detailed within Part 6.1 of the Constitution be adopted;
9.2 |
the constitutional changes, which have come about as a result of the legislative changes and any additional recommendations put forward by the Constitutional Review Working Group, as detailed within the report be approved;
9.3 |
the Council Constitution for 2024-2025 be adopted;
9.4 |
the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any minor amendments, correct typographical or drafting errors and ensure all cross-references within the Constitution are correct and that these be reported to the Constitutional Review Working Group as and when necessary.
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