[NOTE: Mrs H. Thomas had earlier declared an interest in this item.]
The Panel received a report prepared by the Police and Crime Commissioner on a review he had undertaken on the governance arrangements by which he held the Chief Constable to account. It was noted the revised arrangements would replace the previous Policing Board and Police Accountability Board.
The following observations/comments were raised on the report:-
· Reference was made to the changes being introduced as part of the Police and Crime Commissioners new Governance Arrangements and an acceptance made that both the Policing Board and Police Accountability Board had run their course and change was required. Having regard to the numerous changes introduced and being introduced, a view was expressed that it was important the Panel was apprised of those for example:-
- Some 12 months had lapsed since the force received the outcome of the Peer Review and the Panel would need to see any changes introduced as a consequence of the review findings
- The Commissioner had referred earlier in the meeting to the precept and to the new control centre and the Panel should be informed of their progression
- It was acknowledged that changes, such as the new Neighbourhood Policing and Prevention Teams, could affect staff morale and it was important for the Panel to see how those changes were proceeding.
· In response to a question relating to Terms of Reference for both the Select Committee and Community Engagement, the Chief Executive for the Commissioners’ office advised that terms of reference for the Select Committee were currently being drafted but there were none relating to Community Engagement.
The Police and Crime Commissioner further advised that the Select Committees terms of reference would be bespoke and more thematic. With regard to community engagement, he confirmed it was important the arrangements therefor clearly detailed the work to be undertaken.
· The Police and Crime Commissioner referred to the forces’ future investment requirements and advised he would be liaising with the Panel Chair thereon prior to the forthcoming finance seminar. With regard to financing generally, he advised any changes introduced by the new UK Government such as the Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee may impact on those finances.
· In response to a question on the Panel’s visibility under the new governance arrangements, the Commissioner advised that was a matter for the Panel to consider. However, he welcomed Panel member attendance at meetings of the Strategic Board and the Select Committee.
· In response to a question on the operation of the Commission Board, the Police and Crime Commissioner confirmed its work would now be undertaken by the Strategic Performance Board.
· The Police and Crime Commissioner confirmed he would be liaising with the newly elected Members of Parliament for the force area.
· Reference was made to Community Engagement and to whether the Commissioner had focussed on the cost framework to ensure there was no underestimate of the level of resources required. The Police and Crime Commissioner confirmed he had the necessary resources to support him which included the Head of the Professional Board and Head of Assurance.
RESOLVED that the revised governance arrangements by which the Police and Crime Commissioner held the Chief Constable to account be noted.
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