Agenda item



3.1   RESOLVED that subject to the Welsh Government Article 18 Direction, and any subsequent determination by them, the Committee be minded to approve Planning Application PL/02167 subject to the conditions detailed within the Report/Addendum of the Head of Place and Sustainability and or reported at the meeting:-



Construction and operation of inert waste recycling facility, waste processing and associated works to include the construction of a screening bund at Cilyrychen Quarry, Llandybie, Ammanford, SA14 3JE




1.     Mr H. Towns having earlier declared an interest in this item re-declared that interest and left the meeting during its consideration.

2.     Councillor R. Sparkes having not attended the earlier site visit was not in attendance during consideration of this application)


The Development Management Officer for Minerals and Wastereferred to the private site visit undertaken by the Committee earlier that day (minute 3.2 of the Planning Committee held on the 15th August, 2024 refers), the purpose of which was to enable the Committee to view the site and assess its impact on the local environments.


He referred, with the aid of PowerPoint slides, to the written report (and addendum) of the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywhich provided an appraisal of the site together with a description of the proposal, a summary of consultation responses received and information relating to the local and national policies relevant to the assessment of the application.


A local member addressed the Committee in relation to the application which included reference to:

·       Nil gain to the community with no new jobs being created,

·       impact of increased lorry traffic on the main highway and along the tributary roads from Saron and Penygroes passing Blaenau and Llandybie schools;

·       no reference to some ecology reports having been done out of season

·       no reference to a base water report having been undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed development

·       proximity to a nearby children’s home and rear gardens of residential properties

·       the impact on the standard of living for local residents

·       the pinch point on the highway near to the local primary school

·       the height of the bund adjacent to residential properties blocking sound to some extent but also blocking light and the planting of trees increasing the height

·       the absence of a crusher on site to enable the Committee to assess its potential noise impact on local residents

·       imposing an unwanted development on the community.


The Senior Minerals and Waste Planning Officer responded to questions raised by the Committee on the application and advised that the Head of Place and Sustainabilitywas recommending approval of the application (subject to conditions) for the reasons detailed within the written report.



3.2     UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the following planning application be granted subject to the conditions detailed within the written report/addendum of the Head of Place and Sustainability and/or reported at the meeting



Nutrient Store and associated works at Land west of Middle Newton, St Clears, Carmarthen, SA33 4HZ


Note the application is also subject to the following additional condition:


No soil shall be imported to and/or exported from the application site during the construction phase of the development hereby approved unless a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter proceed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason:  To ensure that traffic impacts are fully assessed should any soil importation/exportation be required from the site in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy TR3 of the Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan 2014.


Supporting documents: