Committee details

Standards Committee

Purpose of committee

The Standards Committee has 9 members; 5 independent members; 1 community representative appointed by the community councils in the County; and 3 elected members of the County Council.

In accordance with statutory requirements the committee comprises a majority of independent members. 

Terms of reference of the Standards Committee

1.     To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives.

2.     To assist councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives to observe the Members' Code of Conduct.

3.     To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members' Code of Conduct.

4.     To monitor the operation of the Members' Code of Conduct;

5.     To advise, train or arrange to train Councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct.

6.     To grant dispensations to Councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives from requirements relating to interests set out in the Members' Code of Conduct.

7.     To deal with any reports from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal, and any report from the monitoring officer on any matter referred to that officer by the Local Commissioner in Wales.

8.     To exercise the functions set out in paragraphs 1-7 above in relation to the Community Councils wholly or mainly in Carmarthenshire and the members of those Community Councils.

9.     To receive annual reports on the operation of the council's complaints procedure and the whistle-blowing policy with a view to incorporating references to those matters in the committee's annual report


Carmarthenshire’s Standards Committee is responsible for determining requests for dispensation by members of Carmarthenshire County Council and Carmarthenshire Town and Community Councils.


In certain circumstances members may be granted a dispensation which enables them to take part in Council business where this would otherwise be prohibited because the member has a prejudicial interest. Provided members act within the terms of their dispensation there is deemed to be no breach of the Code of Conduct.


Carmarthenshire County Council’s Code of Conduct can be viewed here.  


The Personal Interests – Questions to ask yourself booklet can  assist both County and Town & Community Councillors to decide whether dispensation is required to participate in Council business.


Councillors can submit an application for dispensation to Carmarthenshire’s Standards Committee by completing  the attached form. Please return the form to the Monitoring Officer, Chief Executive’s Department, County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP or email the form to



Standards Committee Annual Report 2023-2024


Further information:-


Public Services Ombudsman Wales

