Meeting attendance

Friday, 15th December, 2023 10.00 am, Governance & Audit Committee

Venue:   Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely

Contact:    Kevin Thomas
01267 224027

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cyng. Kim Broom Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Cyng. Karen Davies Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Cyng. Alex Evans Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Cyng. Giles Morgan Vice-Chair Present
Cyng. Philip Warlow Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Cyng. Elwyn Williams Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Cyng. Janet Williams  Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Julie James Lay Person on the Governance & Audit Committee Co-Optee Present
David MacGregor Lay Person on the Governance & Audit Committee Chairman Present
Malcolm MacDonald Lay Person on the Governance & Audit Committee Co-Optee Present
Karen Jones Lay Person on the Governance and Audti Committee Co-Optee Present
Gaynor Morgan Secretary Expected
Derwyn Owen Public In attendance
Eleanor Ansell Public In attendance
Gareth Lewis Public In attendance, virtual
Avril Bracey Officer In attendance
Gareth Jones Officer In attendance
Rachel Morris Secretary In attendance
Julie Owens Secretary In attendance
Siwan Rees Officer In attendance, virtual
Kevin J Thomas Secretary In attendance, virtual