Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions
Contact: Martin Davies 01267 224059
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C. Davies, S.L. Davies, D.C. Evans, B.W. Jones, G.R. Jones, M.J.A. Lewis, E. Rees, J. Seward and G.B. Thomas.
CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Additional documents: Minutes:
· The Chair stated that he and his Consort, Cllr. Nysia Evans, had had the pleasure of attending a number of events recently including the 111th birthday celebration of Mary Kier at Awel Tywi Care Home, Ffairfach, Llandeilo;
The Chair welcomed Lili Evans, Sam Williams, Magda Smith, Olivia Smolicz, Marianna Pilichowska and Zach Davis, members of the Youth Council, who were watching the proceedings on line. They were all working towards their Local Councillor Shadowing Award and some had been present in the Chamber at the previous Council meeting;
· Councillor Tyssul Evans stated that on St. David’s Day he had had the pleasure of attending celebrations at Llangyndeyrn Village Hall to commemorate 60 years since the village had been saved from being drowned in 1963. Councillor Evans recounted his own recollections from 1963.
SETTING THE COUNCIL TAX FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2023/24 PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a report, presented by the Cabinet Member for Resources, setting out the financial details relevant to the setting of the Council Tax for the 2023/2024 financial year together with the Council Tax amounts in respect of the different Council Tax Valuation Bands, as applicable to each of the individual Community and Town Council areas. It was noted that the recommendations contained within the report brought together the authority’s budget requirement and the precepts for the Police Authority and the Town and Community Councils into the consolidated Council Tax amounts in respect of the individual Council Tax Valuation bands. RESOLVED that, in order for the Council to comply with legislative requirements, the report and recommendations of the Director of Corporate Services on the setting of the Council Tax for the financial year 2023/24 be adopted.
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2023/24 PDF 98 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: [NOTE: 1. Councillors L.R. Bowen, J.M. Charles, M.D. Cranham, S. Godfrey-Coles, D.M. Cundy, B. Davies, L.M. Davies, T. Davies, A. Evans, H.A.L. Evans, L.D. Evans, N. Evans, R.E. Evans, J.P. Hart, T.M. Higgins, P.M. Hughes, J.D. James, R. James, G.H. John, A.C. Jones, H. Jones, A. Leyshon, K. Madge, D. Nicholas, M. Palfreman, B.A.L. Roberts and F. Walters had earlier declared interests in this item and, left the meeting; 2. All officers in attendance were deemed to have a personal interest in this item and left the meeting prior to its consideration with the exception of the the Democratic Services Manager, Democratic Services Officer and officers who were facilitating the webcasting of the meeting. 3. As the Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce had declared an interest in this item and left the meeting, the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services presented the report on his behalf.] Prior to the departure of the aforementioned from the meeting, which included the Chair and Vice-Chair, it was moved, seconded and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Cllr. Dot Jones be appointed to Chair the meeting for this item. The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services, on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce, presented the report which outlined that, under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 all Local Authorities were required to prepare a Pay Policy Statement which must be agreed and published by 1st April every year.
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services stated that, unlike many Authorities, Carmarthenshire County Council had a politically balanced Pay Policy Advisory Panel, which have already considered and advised on the Pay Policy Statement. The format of the Statement was, she added, compliant with the relevant legislation and guidance including guidance issued by the Welsh Government and best practice developed by the former Public Services Staff Commission. This year’s Pay Policy Statement did not differ hugely from what had been presented this time last year. The key amendments were updated introductions from the Leader, and Chief Executive, which reflected the very different demands which had been placed upon the Council, post the COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic and financial pressures that society in general was facing.
It was the Authority’s wish to continue to support the lowest paid, by ensuring that the voluntary Real Living Wage threshold was met by paying the equivalent of £10.90 per hour from 1st April 2023. The 22/23 Pay Award also removed point 1 of the salary scales and therefore the lowest hourly rate would be £10.59. The Pay Advisory Panel had therefore recommended that support for the lowest paid be continued by paying a supplement to bring hourly rates up to the Real Living Wage rate of £10.90.
The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services advised on the further support for lowest paid staff, particularly our Home Care and Residential Care Workers and Refuse Loaders and Drivers. Trade Unions had raised an issue with the pay grading of the Refuse ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
SECOND HOMES AND EMPTY PROPERTIES COUNCIL TAX PREMIUMS PDF 145 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Following a debate as to whether the issue of adopting a premium on second homes, referred to in the circulated report, could be considered and determined separately from the adoption of a premium on empty properties, also referred to in the circulated report, it was moved, seconded and duly
RESOLVED that the report on Second Homes and Empty Properties Council Tax Premiums be considered as circulated.
[NOTE: Councillors K.V. Broom, M. James, D.M. Cundy, S.A. Curry, H.A.L. Evans, L.D. Evans, B.D.J. Philips and E. Williams had earlier declared interests in this item and left the meeting.] Cllr K.V. Broom having been granted dispensation to speak but not vote remained in the meeting during the debate but was placed in the waiting room during voting.
The Cabinet Member for Resources presented a report which sought approval for the adoption of premiums on second homes and empty properties. He commented that there were over 800 second homes in Carmarthenshire and 1,800 houses that had been empty for at least over a year – and a number for many years. Both categories of properties had, he stated, an adverse effect on local communities and the purpose of the report was to either encourage greater use of these properties or ensure that their owners contributed more towards local communities through a Council Tax premium.
In the case of the long-term empty houses the Cabinet Member for Resources highlighted the negative effect they had on streets, often becoming the target of vandalism and a wasted resource. Turning these into homes once more should result in less demand for new houses to be built on green fields. He commended the council for bringing 700 empty houses back into use since 2016 and considered that a new policy was needed for further improvement. The Council, he pointed out, had consulted widely on this issue with 61% of respondents agreeing that long-term empty housing adversely effected local communities and a majority agreeing with charging a premium. It was proposed to charge a 50% premium on houses that had been empty from one to two years, rising to 100% between two and five years, and 200% after five years. On the issue of second homes the Cabinet Member for Resources expressed the view that the answer lay, in part, in the legislation passed by the Welsh Government in 2014 and recently amended and strengthened. The legislation aimed to ensure that Second Homes which were holiday lets were either let for at least 182 days a year, which would boost the tourism industry, or that owners paid a premium on the Council Tax. This contribution could, it was suggested, alleviate the negative impact of Second Homes when they reduced the local housing stock and pushed up house prices to the extent that even essential workers like nurses and teachers were unable to afford to live in the communities in which they had been brought up. It was therefore proposed to charge Second Homes a 50% premium to start, with ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
PROPOSED COMMUNITY REVIEW IN COUNTY OF CARMARTHENSHIRE PDF 98 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a report setting out details for the commencement of a Community Review for all Community Councils in Carmarthenshire. Under the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 each principal council had a duty, every 10 years, to monitor the communities in its area and, where appropriate, the electoral arrangements of such communities for the purposes of considering whether to make recommend changes.
7.1 to approve the commencement of a Community Review for all Community Councils in Carmarthenshire;
7.2 to approve the Terms of Reference for the Community Review as set out in the report;
7.3 that the indicative timetable contained in the Terms of Reference Community Review be noted. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received.
QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS:- Additional documents: |
QUESTION BY COUNCILLOR HEFIN JONES TO COUNCILLOR EDWARD THOMAS, CABINET MEMBER FOR TRANSPORT, WASTE AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES “It’s concerning to hear of the Welsh Government’s intention to remove the Emergency Bus Subsidy scheme. Despite a short extension to the scheme it’s worrying that the Welsh Government seems quite content to cut the essential travel lifeline for many. Though it’s not exclusively a rural problem, as we’ve heard by colleagues in the chamber, it’s likely that rural areas will suffer the brunt of this, and the consequences could be far reaching. Will the cabinet member responsible for transport please outline the potential impact here in Carmarthenshire please?” Additional documents: Minutes: “It’s concerning to hear of the Welsh Government’s intention to remove the Emergency Bus Subsidy scheme. Despite a short extension to the scheme it’s worrying that the Welsh Government seems quite content to cut the essential travel lifeline for many. Though it’s not exclusively a rural problem, as we’ve heard by colleagues in the chamber, it’s likely that rural areas will suffer the brunt of this, and the consequences could be far reaching. Will the cabinet member responsible for transport please outline the potential impact here in Carmarthenshire please?”
Response by Councillor Edward Thomas – Cabinet Member For Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services:-
“The Bus Emergency Scheme has
provided vital support for the public transport sector throughout
the pandemic and during the process of recovery. However, patronage
levels on public transport networks have not yet recovered to
anywhere near the pre Covid levels. This, combined with uncertainty
in the sector from ongoing bus reform, critical supply chain
pressures around fuel and driver shortages is leading to
unsustainable pressure on the sector particularly the Small and
Medium Size Enterprises [SMEs].
Supplementary Question by Councillor Hefin Jones:
“Can I ask if there is an ongoing dialogue with service providers, with bus companies, and will there be a communications plan so that should the axe fall on some services and some services lost that residents and wards are informed through a process as opposed to hearing on the grapevine?
Response by Councillor Edward Thomas – Cabinet Member For Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services:-
“The simple answers are yes and yes.”