Venue: Chamber - County Hall, Carmarthen. SA31 1JP and remotely. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors G.R. Jones, E. Rees, D. Thomas, S. Davies and B.D.J. Phillips. |
DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTERESTS. Additional documents: Minutes:
CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (IF ANY) Additional documents: Minutes: · The Chair referred to the array of events he, and his consort, had attended since the last meeting of the Council, visits to Myddfai, to Llanelli Christmas Carnival, the 3G pitch formal opening at Llandovery RFC, the Christmas Candlelight service for St Barnabas Church, Rhandirmwyn, Plygain with Carmarthen’s Merched y Wawr.
· The Chair was accompanied by Cllr Jane Tremlett for two days last week, where they visited all the authorities 7 care homes and 2 day centres in Newcastle Emlyn, Ffairfach, Cwmaman, St. Clears, Carmarthen and Llanelli.
· The Chair on behalf of the Council, congratulated Georgina Gilberts on her successful attempt to complete the incredible achievement of running seven marathons in seven days wearing full fire-fighting equipment.
· The Chair reflected on the very well supported White Ribbon Day march in Carmarthen.
· The Chair referred to the success of Llandovery College on their magnificent performance in the Welsh Schools & Colleges Final at the Principality Stadium, Cardiff. The College defeated Coleg y Cymoedd and retained the title they won last year, as the Champions of Wales.
· The Chair stated that he would be taking part in the Walrus Dip at Cefn Sidan Beach on Boxing Day to raise money for two charities, LATCH and Prostate Cymru.
· The Chair stated that the Toy Box Appeal was still open for donations.
· Council extended congratulations to local resident, Georgie Grasso, on winning the Great British Bake off. Georgie, is the first Welsh winner. Her courage and openness on speaking about mental health and ADHD is to be encouraged and we wish her all the best in her future.
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE LEADER, CABINET MEMBERS AND THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE (IF ANY) Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader expressed the Council’s gratitude, to all the staff that worked tirelessly throughout the weekend during Storm Darragh, to keep residents safe. Residents without electricity have been able to use the County’s leisure centre facilities, to keep warm, charge their phones, have showers and have a chance to have a hot drink. The centres will be open until ten o’clock at night tonight and tomorrow if necessary.
The Leader expressed the Council’s thanks to all home care staff, who went the extra mile to ensure the needs of service users were met. Home Care staff were able to visit all those needing care over an extended period of time.
The Leader thanked everyone for communities coming together to support one another when needed. The Cabinet member for Resources reported that due to austerity, this council was about £150m worse off in real terms than in 2010. At the same time there had been a huge and growing demand for acute statutory services – in particular adult and childrens care – both here and across Wales. The cross-party WLGA estimated a collective Welsh councils gap of almost £560m. The Cabinet member for Resources reported that in Carmarthenshire the gap was £25m – even allowing for the £10.5m of savings identified by council departments. The shortfall included such headings as, the teachers pay award, and pressure requirements from schools and social care. It also included a possible £4m National Insurance shortfall for commissioned care services and 3rd party spending – such as CWM and Delta Wellbeing – following NI changes made in the Chancellor’s Budget. These figures do not include the extra £7-8m for directly employed council staff, for which the UK Government had said it will announce ‘an allowance’ in due course. The Cabinet member for Resources reported that there was a projected £11m overspend by schools – a very serious position indeed. An intervention team was currently visiting the 50+ schools in deficit to discuss ways to help them reduce overspending. A report will be submitted later in the New Year. The Cabinet Member for Resources reminded members, that in relation to the net budget, 75% of the Council’s income to spend on social care, education etc comes from the Revenue Support Grant – RSG – and Non-Domestic Rates allocation from Welsh Government. Every extra 1% from Welsh Government gives the Council £3.5m. Most of the rest comes from the Council Tax, with every extra 1% equalling £1m. In other words, every 1% less in RSG means 3.5% on Council Tax. The Cabinet member for Resources informed that the Welsh Government announced their interim budget yesterday. While the Health Service will receive a 10% increase, in the interim increase for Local Government was only 4.3%. The interim settlement for Carmarthenshire should be announced later today. The Welsh Government will need to be lobbied between now and February to ensure that local councils get a fair share. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on the 13th November, 2024 be signed as a correct record.
REVIEW OF COMMUNITIES AND ELECTORAL ARRANGEMENTS - WHITLAND ABBEY, WHITLAND Additional documents: Minutes: [Note: Councillor S. Allen having earlier declared an interest in this matter, remained in the meeting during its consideration but didn’t vote.]
The Council received a report, presented by the Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce, of a review of the community boundaries between Llanboidy and Whitland Community Councils.
Under the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 each principal council has a duty to monitor the communities in its area and, where appropriate, the electoral arrangements of such communities for the purposes of considering whether to make recommended changes. These changes are brought about by means of a community review.
The Council was informed that an initial investigation and six-week consultation with mandatory consultees would ensue. Following which draft proposals including a consultation period report, would be prepared that would include details of the review and setting out proposals. The final recommendations with a review of proposals, in light of any representation being made during consultation for change/no change would follow the consultation. A final report and findings will then be submitted to Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales to consider and produce the Order.
The Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce thanked Mrs Amanda Edwards, Electoral and Civil Registration Services Manager, for her dedication to the service and wished her well in her retirement.
RESOLVED THAT THE electoral arrangements for Whitland Abbey and Whitland be approved.
APPOINTMENT OF A NEW COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MEMBER OF THE STANDARDS COMMITTEE Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report recommending the appointment of Jeanette Gilasbey as a Community Committee member of the Standards Committee, following one of the existing community committee members having left the Committee earlier in 2024. It was noted that following a formal recruitment process, undertaken in accordance with the procedures prescribed by regulations, a recruitment panel comprising of three County Councillors and one Independent Lay Member and expressions of interest sought from all town and community councils in the County. It was recommending to Council the appointment of Jeanette Gilasbey, a former community committee member of the Standards Committee, for a full initial term of office
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Jeanette Gilasbey be appointed as a Community Committee member of the Standards Committee for a full initial term of office.
RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF HEAD OF ADULT SERVICES Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report, presented by the Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce on the Recruitment to the Post of Head of Adult Services, of which provided detailed information on the post and the Temporary Acting up arrangements if required.
Council was informed that the current Head of Adult Services would be leaving the Council with effect from 31st March, 2025. Whilst the Job Profile and Person Specification had already had the required approval from County Council in accordance with the Standing Orders (Wales) Regulations, changes to the Job Profile and Person Specification had been made to strengthen responsibilities around Safeguarding, and the profile itself had been updated to accurately reflect the requirements of the post. It was reported that the following statement was now included in every standard Job Profile template: “Safeguarding is everyone's business. All of us have a responsibility for protecting children and adults at risk, working in a way that promotes and supports their best interests and for reporting any concerns.”
LOCAL AUTHORITY SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 Additional documents: Minutes: [Note: Councillors K. Madge and M. Palfreman having earlier declared an interest, re-iterated their declaration on this item and remained in the meeting for its consideration].
The Council was informed that the Cabinet at it’s meeting held on 18th November, 2024 (minute 8 therof refers) had considered the Local Authority Social Services Annual Report 2023/24.
The report had been developed in accordance with the statutory requirement for the Director of Social Services to report annually to Council on the delivery of services and performance, as well as plans for the improvement of the whole range of social services. The Annual Report examined each service area within Social Care and demonstrated how service strategies, actions, targets and service risks would be addressed and delivered operationally by the service based upon the approved budget.
Council members thanked the Director of Community Services for his dedication to the service and hard work in providing a comprehensive report and paid tribute to the staff working within the portfolio.
The Director of Community Services responded accordingly to the queries raised.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted :
9.1.2 the Local Authority Social Services Annual Report 2023/24 in Carmarthenshire be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: [Note: Councillors C. Jones, A. Lenny and E. Skinner, having earlier declared an interest, re-iterated their declaration on this item and left the meeting].
The Council was informed that the Cabinet at it’s meeting held on 2nd December, 2024, (minute 8 thereof refers) had considered a report produced in accordance with S19 of the Flood and Water Act 2010, on the outcome of an investigation undertaken into the flooding of approximately 34 properties in Llansteffan from 2 storms over the 2023/24 new year period. It was noted the investigation had concluded with 10 actions relating to Flood Risk Management, 6 recommendations relating to Community Resilience, and 11 actions relating to Operation and Maintenance and that the Council would manage the delivery of those actions via the multi-agency project group which it would continue to chair in the short term.
The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability responded accordingly to the queries raised.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED THAT the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted
9.2.1 the Carmarthenshire County Council’s Section 19 report be approved
Minutes: The Council was informed that the Cabinet, at its meeting held on 2nd December, 2024, (minute 6 thereof refers) had received for consideration the Councils Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) produced in accordance with the requirements of Section 10.7 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 that required all Local Authorities to publish their local flood risk management strategy and plan. The Strategy was supported by a more tactical plan clarifying where the authority was in terms of flood and coastal erosion risk management and where it wanted to be by 2030 and how that would be achieved.
The Council noted the plan was the second strategy produced under the Act (the first one being in May 2013) with its main purposes being to:
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED THAT the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted:
9.3.1 the Carmarthenshire County Council’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) be approved for publishing.
THE COUNCIL'S ANNUAL REPORT 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council was informed that the Cabinet at it’s meeting held on 2nd December, 2024 (minute 9 thereof refers) had considered the Council’s Annual Report for 2023-24 on the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 produced under the provisions of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 where it was required to publish an Annual Report on its Well-being Objectives. In addition, under the Local Government and Elections Act (Wales) 2021, the Council had a duty to report on its performance on a self-assessment approach. The report aimed to meet both those requirements in the one document.
The report provided information on the following basis for each Well-being Objective, as well as the Thematic and Service priorities:
· Overview of progress – provides a succinct overview of our progress against the overarching measures for each Well-being Objective, linking this to the importance of that objective. · In Summary – provides an overview of our progress against each of our Thematic and Service priority areas. · How are we Doing? - provides a breakdown of the progress made against our key measures as detailed within the Corporate Data Suite. A detailed overview of all measures is provided in Appendix 5. · Progress Against Outcomes – provides content on activity from across the organisation which relates to or addresses that outcome. · Is Anyone Better Off? – this section provides case studies or good news stories relating to the ‘So What?’. The focus is to highlight what difference we have made to the lives of our residents and service users through our activity. · How can we do Better? – this section provides a summary of the identified areas for improvement and serves to ‘close the loop’.
Council members thanked the staff for their hard work in providing a comprehensive report.
The Cabinet Members for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability and Transport, Waste and Infrastructure, responded accordingly to the queries raised.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED THAT the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted:
9.4.1 the Carmarthenshire County Council’s Annual Report for 2023-2024 be approved.
CARMARTHENSHIRE PANEL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PPA) Additional documents: Minutes: The Council was informed that the Cabinet at its meeting held on 2nd December, 2024 (minute 10 thereof refers) had considered a report prepared under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 that placed a duty on councils to arrange for a panel to undertake and respond to a corporate, organisational level assessment, at least once during the period between two consecutive ordinary elections of councillors to the council, of the extent to which the council is meeting its performance requirements, defined as being the extent to which a council:
· is exercising its functions effectively; · is using its resources economically, efficiently, and effectively; and · has effective governance in place for securing the above.
The Council noted that in accordance with the Acts requirements, a scoping document had been prepared providing an introduction to Carmarthenshire, and the Council and taking account of any challenges that have been highlighted in the self-assessment including, findings from the recent audit, inspection or regulator reports. The scoping document would inform the selection of the Panel to undertake the assessment together with a detailed Terms of Reference for the assessment, which would then be agreed between the Panel and Council. It was proposed that the PPA would be undertaken in Carmarthenshire between 10-13 June 2025.
The Leader responded accordingly to the queries raised.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted :
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council was informed that the Cabinet at its meeting held on 2nd December, 2024 (minute 11 thereof refers) had considered the Treasury Management and Prudential Indicator Report which provided an update on the treasury management activities from 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2024.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the following recommendation of the Cabinet be adopted :
9.6.1 the report be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on the 4th November, 2024 be received.
18TH NOVEMBER, 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on the 18th November, 2024 be received.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS (NONE RECEIVED). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no public questions had been received.
QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS (NONE RECEIVED) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that no questions on notice had been submitted by members.
MINUTES FOR INFORMATION (AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON THE WEBSITE) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair stated that the minutes outlined on the agenda under 13.1 – 13.8 were available for information on the Council website. |