Agenda item



The Committee received for consideration Draft Divisional Service Delivery Plans relevant to the divisions within the Place, Sustainability and Climate Change directorate for 2023/24 as follows:


·   Highways and Transportation Division – Appendix 1 to the report

·   Waste and Environmental Division - Appendix 2 to the report

·   Property design and Maintenance Division - Appendix 3 to the report

·   Place Sustainability Division - Appendix 4 to the report

·   Service Improvement and Transformation Division - Appendix 5 to the report


The Draft Divisional Service Delivery Plans set out the strategic actions and measures to be implemented within each Division in order for the Council to progress with its well-being objectives, thematic priorities and service priorities.


The issues/observations raised by the Committee were addressed by each Draft Divisional Plan as follows:-


Divisional Delivery Plan - Highways and Transportation
[Appendix 1 to the report]


·       Reference was made to the Action and Measure within the Highways Asset Management section - ‘withdrawal of Welsh Government funding, explore all possible funding options to support a programme of improving the condition of rural roads.’  It was asked what funding options were being considered?  The Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services stated that Carmarthenshire has the second largest road network in Wales which comprises mainly of B, C and unclassified roads which were in a poor state of repair with a significant backlog.  It was emphasised that alternative funding methods must be sought. 


The Cabinet Member for Resources added that this matter was as a result of the UK Government Austerity Project but when budget cuts were commenced in 2010, the highway road network were the first to be targeted.  As a result, the conditions of the road network have deteriorated with a shortfall of £45m which is what is needed to maintain the roads.  It was highlighted that this extends outside of Carmarthenshire. 


In terms of future funding, the Head of Highways and Transportation reported that funding had been achieved by placing bids to access Welsh Government funding in order to repair roads that suffered from storm damage.  In addition, bids to access to funding for road refurbishment and resilient roads had been made.  Members were assured that as soon as grant funding opportunities were presented, bids would be submitted to achieve the funding in order to improve the road network.


·       In recognising the heavy workload of the highways department, praise and gratitude was extended to the highways team for their swift response to reports of hazardous road conditions.


·       In response to a query raised in respect of the ‘source reference’ within the plan, the Cabinet Member explained that the plans were new in design to better align with the Corporate Strategy and Well-being objectives and Cabinet’s vision.


·       Reference was made to the Action and Measure within the Planning & Infrastructure section – ‘Review the current vehicle fleet strategy with a view to utilising the most suitable and low emissions vehicle technology (including electric or other power sources) over the coming years.’ In terms of setting targets, it was requested that a suitable ambition be set.  It was suggested that in terms of setting targets, many sources of outside expertise were available to be accessed which could prove to be cost effective.  The Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Decarbonisation and Sustainability welcomed the enthusiasm and suggested that the Committee, in developing its Forward Work Plan could request information to monitor the development and pace of the work on this subject.


Divisional Delivery Plan - Waste and Environmental Division

[Appendix 2 to the report]


·       No issues/observations were raised by the Committee.


Divisional Delivery Plan Property design and Maintenance Division

[Appendix 3 to the report]


·       No issues/observations were raised by the Committee.


Divisional Delivery Plan – Place Sustainability Division

[Appendix 4 to the report]


·       No issues/observations were raised by the Committee.


Divisional Delivery Plan – Service Improvement and Transformation Division

[Appendix 5 to the report]


·       No issues/observations were raised by the Committee.


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that the Draft Divisional Plans for 2023/24 be received.



Supporting documents: