Agenda item



RESOLVED that the following planning applications be granted subject to the conditions detailed within the Report/Addendum of the Head of Place and Sustainability and or reported at the meeting:-



Demolition of the existing food store to facilitate residential redevelopment, together with associated vehicular and pedestrian accesses, car parking, amenity areas, cycle and bin stores, landscaping and ancillary development: site preparation, clearance, treatment, re-profiling and the installation of new services and infrastructure at Lidl Supermarket, Priory Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LS.



[Note:  Councillor Elwyn Williams declared a personal interest in this item and left the meeting prior to the consideration and voting thereof.]


The Chair read out a written representation provided by the local Member objecting to the application, re-iterating the points detailed within the Head of Place and Sustainability’s report including:-


·       The number of concerns raised following the Pre-Application Consultation process relating to 

-   the proposed number of units/density, the tenure, amenity;

-   its impact of the proposal on properties along the Parade;

-   the lack of parking spaces especially in respect of health and care professionals.


·       In reference to the scheme being purely for the over 55’s. However, there was no condition to this effect.  


The Senior Enforcement and Monitoring Officer responded to the issues raised.


PL/04799 -

Relocation of existing vehicular / roadway automatic gateway and access control panel with associated fencing and removal of pedestrian gate at Land to the South of Nos 175 and 162, Pentre Nicklaus Village, Llanelli, SA15 2DF


[Note:  Councillor Edward Skinner declared a personal interest in this item and left the meeting prior to the consideration and voting thereof.]


Representations were received objecting to the application re-iterating the points detailed within the Head of Place and Sustainability’s report highlighting the concern over the proposed loss of the pedestrian gate, which was well used by a range of people and therefore should be relocated to the new location.


Following the representations, it was proposed and carried that a site visit was not deemed necessary as the information presented by officers was sufficient.


The Agent and Senior Enforcement and Monitoring Officer responded to the issues raised during consideration of the report.





Construction of 12 no. residential dwellings with associated infrastructure works at Land lying to the south of Parc Gitto, Llwynhendy, Llanelli, SA14 9LB



The local Member due to another commitment had to leave the meeting prior to the consideration of this item therefore, the Chair, in her absence read out a written representation requesting a site visit in order to take into the consideration of the drainage and recent flooding of the properties in the area.  A concern was raised regarding the foul water pumping into the local pumping station, which at times was unable to cope with flow of water. A further two additional dwellings would have a further impact on the pumping station being able to cope.


Following the officer’s presentation and the consideration of the representation, it was proposed and carried to not undertake a site visit.


The Agent and Senior Enforcement and Monitoring Officer responded to the issues raised during consideration of the report.



RESOLVED that the following planning application be approved, contrary to the Head of Place and Sustainability’s recommendation to refuse as the proposal is considered to comply with the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.



Proposed Local needs 3/4 bed detached dwelling house, with 3 parking spaces, internal road, upgrading of existing field access and accompanying site works. These proposals will require a change use of agricultural land to C3 Dwelling house at Land opposite Sparrows Nest, Whitland, SA34 0LG


A representation was received from the local member in support of the application highlighting that the recommendation to refuse the application would penalise a local young couple who wished to build their future in Whitland, whilst fitting the bill for local needs it was disappointing that the application was refused for its size.  It was concerns were made in regard to the S106 agreement to control the future sale of the property which would penalise the couple and affect the property’s future open market value.


The Senior Development Management Officer and the Senior Solicitor responded to the issues raised during consideration of the report.


The Senior Development Management Officer stated that a report would be brought back to the Committee setting out the proposed conditions for their ratification.





Supporting documents: